Thursday, January 22, 2015

Full Disclosure

I used to want to be a children's book writer.

Then I wanted to be a travel blogger (and spin off to have my own online show).

After that, I wanted to be a ghost speech writer, a life coach, a brand consultant.

15 years later, I am able to do all these -  I spin tales to children, I do travel selfies and post it on my wall, I help compose emails, I give unsolicited advise, and people consult me on brands to buy for their dry skin, adult acne, skin rash... (Eucerin, Oxy, Caladryl).

The thing is, I did not give up on these options. Save for being a life coach, the rest can be a career fallback. (You need to be certified to be a life coach, I don't think I have the scale and patience to take the class.) Everything else on the list are a possibility eventually. It's not a race, it's a probable destiny.

Ok, I lied. I don't do much selfies. I help compose my own emails. I hold my tongue and give unsolicited advise in my head, and I use all the skin related products.

I do consider working on these options, not as a goal, but part of my growing list of things I can do based on my current skill (yabang).

QOTD: At the end of the day - you sleep.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Good Times

It's been more than two months. Time does pass you by when you're having fun. Before you know it, blink and you've missed it. I need to slow down a bit, enjoy the ride, feel the experience. That's it. I should take more pictures, to remember the good times. Appreciate all the small things, live, love, laugh.. I'm turning 33 soon after all. Woohoo!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kape't Pandesal 2

Mulling over my kape't pandesal.

When things get rough, I will remember the simple joys such as this. Early morning quiet with coffee and pandesal...

Kasi, sometimes when you hear people complain or read about it on their updates, draining sya ha. You just can't help but make a sarcastic chuckle...Really, your life is falling apart? How drama queen is that. Have you seen the homeless man on the street? Do you eat three, four, seven times a day? Are you wearing posh clothes? Basta hindi ka nakatira sa Pyongyang, carry!

So in the words of zombieland - - -


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Before I Gear Up for 2011..

...wait, it's the 2nd week of January na? 1.11.11!

So much has happened in 2010, I'm just only now catching my breath, mellowing down, and planning for my next steps.

All I know is I am very thankful.

In this new year, more than writing down my new year's resolution, I think that there should be a new revolution - people should also write down what they are thankful for in the past year. Resolutions are broken, but being thankful is a constant reminder that life is good and we are blessed.

So in 2010, I was (am) thankful for these..

1. I welcomed 2010 with Paolo (Vegas, baby!), now I welcome 2011 with him again. After three long years of being in a long distance relationship, spending time together is ika nga ni Mario Hernando- 5 stars.

2. Beth and Dyosa visited me in PNH! One of my highlights in Cambodge! Naging tuk2 driver pa ako!

3. Michael Sibi Santiago's Diva Exhibit. Happy and elated for a friend's success and talent.

4. I spent my birthday in Pilipinas. Seeing great friends, eating good food, naka at least four birthday celebrations din ako ha! Looking forward to seeing dear friends again soon.

5. Just spending half of the year in Cambodge with lovely Pinoy (and international) friends, and superb media colleagues is more than the blessing I can pray for.

6. My weird hen party in SNG. I mean a bride's MOH usually does this for her, but two of your bosses throwing it for you? I still don't know if I'm touched or horrified. A little bit of both I guess.

7. QUITTING SMOKING!!!! Good golly, finally!! Now, if I only have the same will power to sweat off this extra pounds that is steadily creeping up on me. (Something to be thankful for in 2011 maybe?!;)

8. Spending my first Halloween in in WeHo, first Thanksgiving (and first party hosting), a lot of firsts- and more to come!

9. Fixing up the nest with the hubby. Weekends are mostly spent at home with the cozy and warm ambiance of the casa.

10. Reuniting with old friends in the US. It has been 10 years since Claire, Sherryl, Oliver and I first worked together. W-O-W.

11. Good health, food on our table, warm clothes.

12. ..and finally, 2010 is the year I became MrsPavia. Akalain mong babae pala ko.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I told him, if he doesn't get a haircut, I'm going to turn him into Justin Bieber.

Ayan, Justin Bibe. Shhh..

On taking the photo:
Mr. P: You deleted that right?
Me: Done. *fingers crossed*

Our Christmas Decor Tradition

It's been awhile, aba, Pasko na!

Mr. P and I started our very own Christmas decor tradition since two years ago. We've been collecting Christmas ball ornaments of different states (and countries) we've visited. We have like a dozen now, not all of them are balls kasi some of them can get quite expensive, like the Boston one was at $38, for one ball! Geez. (I'm like, nooo way. I got a bucket of lobster ornament instead).

One of my favorites is the Christmas ball we got from Washington DC. Happy Holidays!

We missed getting Cambodia and Vietnam ornaments, we're thinking of converting the magnets into ornaments:) hee.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

The most American of all Holidays. My first. First party at our home too.

Good times with good friends. Happy to be Mrs. P :)