Sunday, November 28, 2010

After 10 years..

My NFFs when I was 21. My main support system when I first became a "professional". I am very lucky to have such strong and reliable group of friends during my professional formative years. There was stress, yes, as we were part of the elite group who saw Starcom from a 16 people company to becoming a media agency of the year with 50 people strong (that was before I left), now I think their thrice as big!

Starcom was still a baby then, as were we.. now we're all grown ups. We've gained friends, knowledge, experiences (even weight), yet here we are, the four of us. The URC babies- 10 years after. Grabe. This won't be the last.

Happy days!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Our first B & B Visitor

Nandito si Oliver.

I'm very happy that he's my first visitor in our new place. His presence made it warmer.

Oliver is one of the absolutely genuine, good ---> great friends that I have. He's a keeper.

He really makes you feel special. You feel like you're his best friend, even if you know he has tons. He makes time for you. Even if you don't see him for long periods of time, you don't sense that you've lost touch. Parang kahapon lang kayo huling nag kita.

He's not high maintenance. He's independent. He's funny and charming.

Ayan, parang I've wrote down his personal profile.. and for that, any person will be lucky to have him. ;)

Welcome to this side of the world, Oliver!! Please leave a very good review on our hospitality so more friends will come and visit us. Hehe.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mornings Are Not The Same

Three months ago, my morning is usually the most solemn time of the day. I wake up, stretch, start the day with a smile, positivity, and eagerness to face the day.

Fast forward to today, it's still the same- stretch, smile, positivity, eager.. only thing is, two people now share the bathroom *aargh*. So I wake up earlier, prepare my clothes, prepare the Mr.'s scrubs, prepare our lunch boxes, breakfast (sometimes), etc.. it's no longer as calm as it used to be.

Kaya nga whenever the Mr. has to work early and I just stay home or leave later, I treasure quiet moments alone. Cup of coffee, check my emails, read the news..peace and quiet and open air..

Haay, once and a while it's good, pero cheesy as it sounds, it's great to wake up next to the person who gives you several reasons to smile every day, its ok to surrender the calm. :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mr. P's Special Day

I would have made it more of a big deal kasi it's his big four-oh. Kaso it's hard since I'm still settling in, trying to feel my way around. I'm thinking 2011, I'll make it up. Plus, it's his first birthday that we're physically together. In the last three years, we just spent it over skype. Now, I'm haaaappy we're together. Yahoo!!

So, for his special day, I made him liempo (with red egg, onions and tomato as side). What did he do? Ignored it in the first 5 mins and just answered his facebook greetings. *sigh*

Friday, November 5, 2010

Morning Drive Time

Having an eight year age gap is one of the best (sometimes frustrating) aspects of our relationship.

Let's just say when I tell him to play just the way you are, he will automatically think of Billy Joel, not Bruno Mars. Nothing wrong with that, personally, the piano man rocks - pero sana maki-billboard top 10 tayo ng slight, no?;)

So, come to, every morning, (since he drives) he chooses the station; and our music is old school hip hop. Minsan may panaka-nakang hip hop song na alam ko (hip hop hurray, ho, hey, ho!), but most of the time, good luck.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Real Best Halloween Costume

I was overwhelmed by this costume.. dobleyu-ow-dobleyu. Lupit!!

censoring the rest. ;P

Monday, November 1, 2010

Our (Lame) Attempt at Plants vs. Zombies

My first West Hollywood (WeHo) Halloween.

Overwhelming, grabe! Next year, career na to. We better represent! I will come as Mulawin's Alwina, aka Hawk Girl and Mr. P as Capt. Barbell, aka.. uhm.. Ironman? ;p